Ziemeļputenis ([info]explosive) rakstīja,
@ 2003-08-30 00:49:00

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Mūzika:Bangles-Eternal Flame

Close your eyes, give me your hand, darling
do you feel my heart beating, do you understand
do you feel the same, am I only dreaming
is this burning an eternal flame.

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2003-08-30 01:02 (saite)
vispar to dziedaja atomic kitten :// .. hmm.. ew,btw man dziedashanaa shitaa dziesminja bija jadzied :DDDD ... bet man pateica,ka taka man nav problemu tad janjem nakoshaa pakape... tagad man jadzied jenifer lopez- love don't cost a thing


I believe it's ment to be,darling
I watch you when you r sleeping
you belong with me
do you feel the same,or am I only dreaming
is this burning an eternal flame

say my name sunshine through the rain
whole life so lonely
then come n ease the pain
I don't wanna lose this feeling
[ooooo oohhhoooh]


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2003-08-30 01:06 (saite)
atomic pec tam dziedaja :DDD
shiii ir ljoti veca dziesma ;)

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