wild thing ([info]evy) rakstīja,
@ 2013-04-18 02:42:00

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Aa jaa, shodien teksts koleegjim no otra koleegja par manu ikdienas piecu-minuushu-sapulci: "vot tagad mees visi dabuusim ieriit no shiis jaunkundzes! Tu buutu dzirdeejis vinjas uzstaashanos ar stingro: I'm still your manager, even thou I have resigned! I will be your manager until my very last day and you have to take all my decisions seriously!" Visi apklusa."
Otrs koleegjis: "oh well, she's so nice that we could actually do the effort and pretend that we carte for this place enough!"

Flattered! Hahaha
Lai nu kaa, esmu tik draudziiga,lai, skaljaak kaadam uzbljaujot, neaizvainotu dveeseles dziljaakaas stiigas.
I'll miss my team

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