emils ([info]emils) rakstīja,
@ 2003-05-01 13:29:00

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Home made pizza italiensis, I like that!
Using my free day I'm visiting Marika, who's father is italian, and so she makes heck of a pizza!
Dii also wanted to come, but while she was here we didn't have time, that's sad! But otherwise - rulz!

P.S. Gona meet Guna also! Latvian girl in Karis!

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the truth
2003-05-01 20:47 (saite)
Jā ,starpcitu mani arī sauc guna...gribēju jau agrāk pateikt :)

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Re: the truth
2003-05-01 21:53 (saite)
i know!
cought in one of the comments!

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