emils ([info]emils) rakstīja,
@ 2003-04-30 21:43:00

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... to touch her
... to see her face
... to see her smile
... to stroke her hair
... to be near

Life consists of small things, but they are soooo important!

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2003-04-30 22:35 (saite)
When moonlight crawls up in the sky
You think of her and send her HI
And billion kisses hot and sweet - your only love
You dream of her...

Sāpīgas atmiņas man par šo pantiņu... skumja novakare šeit latvijā un es kaucu pret mēnesi...

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2003-05-01 13:28 (saite)
I think of her whenever it rains
whenever it blows, whenever it shines
I think of her every moment of stillness
If I didn't know better I would say it's an illness!
My thoughts go wandering there so often!
So often as I just can, because there is escape
Escape from darkness, I know I will survive!
I will survive just about anything just to be there,
be there by her side!

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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