izelpa (elpa) rakstīja, @ 2014-09-13 12:24:00 |
Mūzika: | Karen O - Rapt |
it's saturday i'm in love
P.S. no Alan Watts stāstījuma par tēmu "sex in the church":
"Let us consider certain periods when this attitude of prudism towards sexuality was in an ascendancy. Nearest to our times is the bourgeois revolution, you might call it, in Victorian England and the United States. We all say Victorian as an adjective to indicate grande-ism, extreme monogamy, definite disgust for all things sexual. And yet, when we really go into the history of the Victorian period, we find that it was an extremely lascivious epoch. One has only to look at the lushness of victorian furniture to realize that chairs are disguised women. That the way even piano legs are shaped.. I mean, this kind of thing is throughout Victorian art forms."