MAS: Par savām šo trīs dienu zīmēm rakstīšu, kad dienas būs pagājušas un varēs kopumā uz visām trim apskatīties.
Tikmēr ņemiet
dziesmiņu no Devendra Banhart, kur arīdzan par zīmēm dziedāts. Mana pēdējo gadu mīļākā no viņa dziesmām, kā iegrimt mierīgā koka lapotnē, nedaudz zvīguļo saule, remdens vējiņš un gaišs skats uz mirkli - tagad, te.
Watch the stream run by you
Watch the Indian chief
Wrapped in blue corn leaves drift by you
Watch you take root in the son’s palm
And rise out of the fire
No more being match wood
Only rising higher
I wanna see you be the one who’s first light
Harbors in the new day
And see you settle into yourself
And never be afraid
Now I take everything as a good sign
Because I'm in love
I take everything as a sign from God
And now I give myself to you alone
No more knives hang above me
Oh B
Please destroy me, please destroy me
Please destroy me, please destroy me, oh, oh
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