izelpa ([info]elpa) rakstīja,
@ 2012-12-09 16:49:00

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"In a way, it’s the poets who have failed us. Because they have not provided
a song or sung a vision that we could all move in concert to. So now we are in the
absurd position of being able to do anything, and what we are doing is fouling our
own nest and pushing ourselves toward planetary toxification and extinction.
This is because the poets, the artists have not articulated a moral vision. The
moral vision must come from the unconscious. It doesn’t have to do, I believe,
with, you know, these post-meaning movements in art: deconstructionism, and
this sort of thing. But that art’s task is to save the soul of mankind. And that
anything less is a dithering while Rome burns. Because if the artists, who are
self-selected for being able to journey into the other… if the artists cannot find
the way, then the way cannot be found."


"And I believe that a world
without ideology could be created, if what were put in place of ideology were the
notion or the realization of the good, the true and the beautiful."

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