Mūzika: | Arcade Fire - Sprawl I (Flatland) |
šis nav par mani, bet šovakar klausos jau kādu daudzo reizi, un gandrīz vai nedaudz sāk kļūt par mani. (vairākreiz dienā cilvēkam pasaki, ka viņš ir cūka, un šis cilvēks sāks rukšķēt)
vienkārši smuki. ne?
cops shone their lights on the reflectors of our bikes
said, "do you kids know what time it is?"
well sir, it's the first time I've felt like something is mine
like I have something to give
the last defender of the sprawl said, "well, where do you kids live?"
well sir, if you only knew, what the answer is worth
been searching every corner of the earth
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