izelpa ([info]elpa) rakstīja,
@ 2011-08-17 07:46:00

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"Foxes have also been known to employ somewhat more unorthodox methods to get a meal. In "The Nature of Foxes", Rebecca Grambo provides two examples. In one case, a fox will sometimes engage in various playful, highly visible antics that make their prey curious for a closer look; when they come in closer, the fox immediately pounces on them. This particular technique is frequently mentioned in various sources, and is sometimes referred to as "charming"."

Galva vēl šmigaina no balles, mati slapji, jo, kad pārrados ap 2iem, izmazgāju. Ķermenis kails, jo vēl pēc dušas nav apģērbies.
Atsaucoties uz šī ieraksta pirmo rindkopu, varu teikt, ka šodien dodos pie savējiem. Veiksmes man un veiksmes jums. Dodos atvaļinājumā. Naktī, pēdējoreiz apskaujot svešiniekus, jutos kā atvadītos no daļas ģimenes. So weird.

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