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[User Picture]
Date:July 31st, 2014 - 11:46 am
cik es lasīju, Izraēla atšķirībā no Palestīnas ir sabūvējusi patvertnes civiliedzīvotājiem, tāpēc viņu pusē upuru skaits mazāks.
[User Picture]
Date:July 31st, 2014 - 12:03 pm
Cik es lasiiju, Israel iebruka nabaagu rajonu, kuraa cilveeki (tajaa starpaa daaudz bernu) vnk dziivo, un izmantoja 'top grade' killing instruments, taapeec Palestiinu pusee upuru skaits krietni lielaaks.
[User Picture]
Date:July 31st, 2014 - 12:45 pm
tev sems hariss ir kaut cik autoritāte? he makes a few valid points here
[User Picture]
Date:July 31st, 2014 - 12:57 pm
No he is not an authority for me - skimmed it - the few mealy mouthed valid points he makes don't do it for me - ISIS (Us backed and formed) is worse (sure).. arabs would bring a new holocaust if they could (hmm - not the Arab guys I know) - but, okay, so let's bomb them and their kids to the other world in the last bit of what was their land (oo sorry for that) - and how many effing 'terrorists' is this one-sided bloodfest going to create in the future? If someone killed yr kids, how would yr view be skewed? Jesus - look at the LV view on Russia/Ukraine - as one-sided as you could wish.
[User Picture]
Date:July 31st, 2014 - 01:11 pm
izlasīšu. tu tikai neģībsti, bet es par šādu Harisu uzzinu pirmoreiz. iesākumā pat padomāju, ka tu mani pie trakā un jaukā kārpentera sūti, pie Džona vērs.

ai, nu trakums tas viss. nav jau runa par diviem obligātajiem antagōnistiem.
pirms kādām dienām boksterēju franču Mediapartē, kuŗu abonēju, šādu sarunu ar 30-gadīgu žīdu puisi, kurš aizlaidies no kara uz Franciju un izskaidro, kāpēc. sorrī, gūgeļtulks, bet principā jau lasāms.

"Why I refused to go and fight in Gaza"
Mediapart published the testimony of a "  refusenik  ", an Israeli citizen who fled to the Netherlands for not responding to the call from the army and go fight in Gaza.
From our special correspondent in Israel. His name is Gilad, he lives in Tel Aviv and is 32 years old. Reservist soldier in the Army, he fled the Netherlands Tuesday, July 22, five days after refusing the appeal of the Israeli army to join the troops fighting right now in Gaza. It is now part of the phenomenon of the so-called the "  refuseniks  ", a phenomenon that has grown in recent years. Upon his return to Israel, Gilad faces up to several years in prison. After he agreed to our request for an interview, we sent him our questions by email Wednesday. Here are his answers.
Why deserted?
It was a decision taken very early. I left Israel five days after calling the army. Five days during which I tried to explain to my superiors why I refuse to get involved in a bloody military campaign that could easily be avoided, and whose victims are mostly civilians.In some amazing way, it has not impressed. No army would not tolerate insubordination. I am ready to go to jail, but I hope that being absent during the conflict, awaiting trial when the militarist spirit characterizing wartime will be a little calmer, I will ultimately favorable. Frankly, I do not really know, this could finally be the opposite, and serve me. 
When the army came to pick you up, you were already flew to Europe on the eve of the stop flights international companies on Tel Aviv. Tell us your flight abroad.
There is not much to say, it gave me an ultimatum, an hour to reach my barracks and my unit, and I took the last flight before it expires (which is ca I guess I have not been stopped at the border). The army came to my home a few hours later when I was already in Europe.  
Where and in what type of unit were you made your military service (which in Israel lasts three years)? Did you have to go to the West Bank and Gaza? If yes, what felt and what analysis do you keep from this experience?
I did my military service in an armored division, positioned in the West Bank during the height of the second intifada. I was young, and my analysis at the time was not as clear as it is today. I was aware that the treatment of Palestinians by Israel was unjust and unjustifiable, but I thought - I thought he was still a few years after the end of my service - it was a temporary "pause" in the peace process . I thought it was in Israel's interest to end this long conflict. And I thought that once the security risks were complete, we could give the Palestinians their independence and their rights. The years that have passed since the end of the intifada, characterized by an almost unprecedented calm in the West Bank from the Palestinians, and the fact that they get nothing in return, have convinced me that the only interest Israel is deepening colonization of the Palestinian territories, increasing oppression of the Palestinian people and brutally suppress any kind of resistance. 
[User Picture]
Date:July 31st, 2014 - 01:12 pm

What your analysis of the current conflict? Do you think it is necessary?
The current conflict was not necessary at all. The Israeli government had several opportunities to ease the tension vis-à-vis Hamas - although a final agreement is probably unattainable now. Since the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and the precarious situation of Bashar al-Assad in Syria - the two main patrons of Hamas - the movement was severely weakened. So weakened that he agreed to work with Fatah in a national unity government by making major concessions (including, for example, giving the mandate to Mahmoud Abbas to continue the talks with Israel). Instead of seizing the opportunity to moderate Hamas while strengthening the supporters of peace among the members of the Palestinian leadership, Israel has done the opposite, and pulled out of the peace process. And this is not the first time Israel does so.
But more generally, Hamas presented itself as a reliable group, which has met all previous cease-fire. Such an agreement has been signed a few days after the outbreak of the conflict - but it could take only being completed by a diplomatic process with Abbas, Netanyahu, however, that fled like the plague. Although the Palestinian regime is not a democracy, the survival of the Palestinian leadership depends on public opinion: when the people will realize that openness to Israel pays, it will turn back to Hamas. As long as there is no horizon, they rallied behind Hamas. It's as simple as that.
What you have a problem today in the act of serving in the IDF, and especially to go to Gaza?
This is mainly to give my name to his brutal actions, as I tried to explain, could have been easily avoided. What bothers me is the fact that the only Israeli policy vis-à-vis Gaza back to hit them every two years, without giving them any alternative. The death of hundreds of innocent people is horrible, especially when it can be avoided.  
Do you consider your work primarily as a political act?
No, first of all it is a moral act, but it can not be detached from its political context. I am not a pacifist - I think that wars are sometimes necessary. But wars meant to compensate negligent policy at the expense of innocent people are immoral.  
Do you recognize yourself in the movement ofrefuseniks , you're the first to testify during the Israeli offensive "border protection"?
I am not part of any movement of refuseniks . This is a personal act.
What action do you see the conflict? Do you think it can settle over time?
I have no idea. I thought Hamas since Israel would be pressed to terminate, but this analysis was contradicted continuously for 18 days now. However, whatever the end without progress on the diplomatic front, there will very quickly to another war. It is also ineffective in the long term of this military campaign that I oppose.  
How do you analyze the results of the Palestinian victims, more than 600 at this time, 80% of civilians, but also 28 Israeli soldiers and three civilians?
Obviously, this is an asymmetric conflict. Israel is equipped with advanced means of protection and aggression, which the Palestinians do not have. Hamas is a cynical and extremist group who prefers to fight for the safety of its population; they look at the many victims as a sacrifice, and the dead soldiers as a victory. It is unfortunate that Israel finally gives them what they want. 
How do you plan your return? What risks do you incur?
The army is notoriously unpredictable. On the one hand, I could be tried and sentenced to imprisonment. But I was told unofficially the army wants to give the least possible publicity to the refuseniks , especially the extent to which this phenomenon. She may prefer to do nothing.
[User Picture]
Date:July 31st, 2014 - 01:49 pm
Vāji Harisam sanācis.

"There are something like 15 million Jews on earth at this moment; there are a hundred times as many Muslims."
In given context, 'Jews' is an ethnic group, 'Muslims' is religious group. Comparison is not valid, with significant implications.

"We know the Israelis do not want to kill non-combatants, because they could kill as many as they want, and they’re not doing it."
They are doing it, or else Hariss has to provide a legitimate threshold beyond which "as many as they want" becomes a measurable unit. And, btw, how do "we know" something like this, because they say so?
