Mārtiņš Liberts ([info]djhurio) rakstīja,
@ 2005-01-08 23:15:00

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Mūzika:Disturbed - Meaning Of Life

Šobrīd domāju par SE T610 vai Siemens CX65. Itkā Siemens būtu labāks (atmiņa 11MB), bet diezgan daudzās atsauksmēs parādās, ka Siemens karas un ir neizturīgs.

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2005-01-09 18:41 (saite)
Cik saparatu, tad T630 ir labaaks ekraans saliidzinot ar T610:

"The first major change is TFD screen, it’s similar to the one used in Sony Ericsson Z600. The two displays are identical; however the presence of protection glass makes the difference. The picture looks good in both models, and it’s really hard to determine which one is better. T610 had STN type of screen, and you were actually unable to see anything when the display was encountering direct sunlight as a result. The TFD screen doesn’t have such disadvantage."

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