Mārtiņš Liberts ([info]djhurio) rakstīja,
@ 2003-10-02 09:16:00

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Mūzika:Limp Bizkit - Gimme The Mic

SoulSeek: New Version and Website
The last few weeks have seen Soulseek experience a serious connection issue that has left many of the community without a connection to the network. A connection fix solved this issue last week restoring a connection for most soulseek users. A slightly more permanent solution to the connection issue has now been released in the shape of a new website and new version.

Soulseek previously located itself at slsk.org can now be found at the new domain http://www.Slsknet.org The official website states that "Our site is back up at www.slsknet.org for now." It goes on to state that more details of the domain change will be posted later.

The new website hosts the new version 149b of Soulseek. The only significant difference with this version is that it solves the DNS error. As soulseek put it "the new version uses slsknet.org to locate the server".

Soulseek are advising anyone using the fix to upgrade to the new official version saying "it's still a good...

by http://www.artekpro.com/

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2003-10-02 23:53 (saite)

Davixam uztaisiit zhurnaalu - tas ir Mission Imposible. Vinjam galiigi nav intereses par shaadaam lietaam, kaa maajas lapas, etc.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2003-10-03 18:47 (saite)
Nu journāls nav tas pats kas mājas lapa. Man ar i prātā nenāk taisīt homepage. Sākt stellēt augšā visus skriptus, images, tekstu, HTML kodus ... brrrrrrr ;) Journāls ir FUN!! :)

BTW viņš teica, ka tu viņu nelaid pie datora. Pats visu laiku tikai sēdi ;) Tjipo tā teica ;)

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2003-10-03 21:35 (saite)
Noteikti. Tikai es maajaas atnaaku parasti peec 20:00.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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