[Sep. 19th, 2016|01:57 pm] |
In one of the first months of his [Mussolini's] government, in 1923, an old ambassador returned from Geneva, where he had represented Italy at a meeting on the control of poison gases. As the venerable gentleman entered the younger man's room, Mussolini did not look up from his desk and went on writing. Finally, after long minutes, he lifted his eyes from the paper and, jutting his chin forward, asked disdainfully: 'What are the most dangerous gases, ambassador ?' The ambassador gravely answered: 'Incense is the most lethal of all, your excellency.' |
[Aug. 26th, 2013|11:08 pm] |
Kaut kā man rādās, ka morālā relatīvisma sludināšana agri vai vēlu beidzas ar pārliecību, ka visu var nopirkt. Vai varbūt tie, kas uzskata, ka visu var nopirkt, ir tendēti uz morālo relatīvismu. Vai varbūt šīs lietas nekorelē. |
[Jul. 15th, 2013|06:47 pm] |
Jaunākā BBC Horizonta sērija ir makten inčīga, par trauksmi, depresiju, ģenētiku, cognitive bias modification, meditāciju, smadzenēm formalīnā un žurkumātēm, kas laiza žurkulēnus. |
[Apr. 19th, 2013|08:31 am] |
Viena no dumo joku lapām, kuras es lasu, šorīt iepriecina ar ļoti precīzu domu. |