Jacob's Ladder scenārijs (1980, Bruce Joel Rubin)

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Nov. 10th, 2009 | 03:15
Skan: Ajdath - Wraith Of Babel

Laikam esmu sev atradis saistošas lasāmvielas avotu – favorītfilmu scenāriji. Šoreiz runa būs par Jacob’s Ladder scenāriju, kas tapis 1980. gadā un cīnījies ar Holivudas stereotipisko filmradīšanas mašinēriju desmit gadu ilgumā, lai 1990. gadā, parādot Holivudai, ka tai tomēr būs taisīt „spoku” filmas, ieraudzītu savu materializāciju. Šis scenārijs arīdzan parāda mehānismu kā top filmas – visa vīzija ir scenārista darbs, bet režisoram atliek vien šo visu materializēt.

Scenārijā ir vairākas tīkami izspēlētas šausmu ainas, kuras filmā ir tikušas apstrādātas, mainītas vai arī neiekļautas, piemēram:
JACOB swallows hard as he stands there, holding the letter. Suddenly his eyes lift off the page and glance at a full length mirror mounted on the bedroom door. Something in the mirror, like the image of a child, seems to move. He looks over. There is nothing there. Curious, JACOB walks toward the mirror. As his image appears, he gasps and stops moving. To his horror and ours, it is his own back that is reflected in the mirror. The impossibility of the moment startles him. He lifts his hand. The reflection moves with him. Frightenedbut defiant, JACOB moves toward the mirror. The image in the mirror spins around. It is the FRIGHTENING VIBRATING FACE he saw at the party with JEZZIE. An unearthly scream comes from both their mouths.

Ir arī labi zināmas ainas, kuras rakstveidā ir nedaudz advancētākas, piemēram:
JACOB Where are you taking me? Where am I?
ORDERLY You know where you are.
JACOB, panicked, tries again to get up but to no effect. He glances to the side and sees mournful CREATURES being led into dark rooms. No one fights or struggles. We hear muffled screams from behind closed doors. Occasionally he glancēs inside the rooms and sees mangled bodies in strange contraptions, people in rusty iron lungs, and hanging from metal cages. Dark eyes peer out in horror. In one room a baseboard heater bursts into flame. No one seems concerned. A door opens. A bicycle with plastic streamers on the handlebars lies crushed and mangled. One of its wheels is still spinning. JACOB cries out but it is not his voice we hear. Rather it is a familiar unearthly roar. His whole body stiffens. As he rounds the corner he sees a figure, its head vibrating in endless terror. it is the same image he has
seen before. JACOB screams.

Protams, kanoniskie filmas/scenārija elementi nav skarti – arīdzan pati filmas ideja ir dzemdināta jau iz sākuma:
LOUIS (continuing) You know what he said? The only thing that burns in Hell is the part of you that won't let go of your life; your memories, your attachments. They burn 'em all away. But they're not punishing you, he said. They're freeing your soul. Okay, other side. He helps JACOB and repositions him. Again he pushes and the spine cracks.
LOUIS (continuing) Wonderful. So the way he sees it, if you're frightened of dying and holding on, you'll see devils tearing your life away. But if you've made your peace then the devils are really angels freeing you from the earth. It's just a matter of how you look at it, that's all. So don't worry, okay? Relax.

Tāpat ir arī izdzēsto ainu ekrānspēles – gan tādas, kuras varam redzēt iekš izdzēstajām ainām, gan tādas, kuras, šķiet, nekad nav tikušas uzfilmētas vai arī nav bijušas iekļautas uzfilmēto-neiekļauto ainu ietvaros:
MICHAEL "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil," but no one ever said I wouldn't be shittin' in my pants every step of the way, huh? (JACOB smiles, his mouth open) Stick out your tongue. (JACOB obeys as an eyedropper deposits a drop of liquid on the back of his tongue) That'a boy. Now why don't you just lie down and relax. Suddenly the ceiling erupts in violent clashes as whole chunks break off and collide like continental plates. The collisons wreak havoc on the DEMONS, chopping and dismembering them. Body parts fall from the ceiling like a Devil's rain. Horrible screams echo from the other side.
MICHAEL (continuing) Don't fight it. It's your own mind. It's your own fears.

Un ir arī daudz pārlieku skaidrojošu elementu:
JEZZIE Your capacity for self-delusion is remarkable, Dr. Singer.

Lai nu kā – tīkami, ka bibliskie dēmoni ir tikuši aizstāti ar Gigeriskām un abstraktām vīzijām, personificētiem dēmoniem, - tīkami, ka pārlieku skaidrojošie elementi ir tikuši reducēti līdz norāžu līmenim. Beigu galā – tīkami ir lasīt lieliskas, intelektuālas un mazliet maindfakojošas filmas scenāriju.


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Comments {6}

shoot the runner


from: [info]aiziet
date: Nov. 10th, 2009 - 03:49
Pilns sakāmais

Scenāriji daudz interesantāki par pašām filmām, bet vispār vajadzētu beidzot latviešiem kautko salipināt kopā

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from: [info]disfigurator
date: Nov. 10th, 2009 - 04:10
Pilns sakāmais

Tur nu gan nevaru piekrist - scenārijs stāsta stāstu, bet filma to skaistina ar vizuālo un audiālo pusi - kā gan šāds apgreids var būt garlaicīgāks?

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from: [info]mindbound
date: Nov. 10th, 2009 - 06:07
Pilns sakāmais

Tā, gluži vienkārši, ir situācija sniedzas tālu ārpus kino - vizualizācija dod daudz spēcīgāku impulsu uztverei, savukārt naratīvs to pašu dara ar iztēli.

Manuprāt, stāstu un stāsta ekranizāciju nevajadzētu salīdzināt vismaz pēc "garlaicīguma" pakāpes.

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from: [info]disfigurator
date: Nov. 11th, 2009 - 11:11
Pilns sakāmais

Vēl jau apstāklis - nev liela jēga salīdzināt dažādus mākslas veidus, mehānismus - viens ir stāsts, otrs ir filma - citi tehniskie līdzekļi, cita pieredze.

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from: [info]mindbound
date: Nov. 10th, 2009 - 06:09
Pilns sakāmais

Es gan nevēlētos riskēt ar vēl vieniem rīgas sargiem (jā, to var itin labi izmantot kā sugasvārdu), tikai citā žanrā? Mazajām independent filmām vēl teorētiski ir potenciāls, taču lielmēroga kinematogrāfija (cik nu LV tāda vispāri jelkad ir bijusi) gan ir zem jelkuras kritikas.

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from: [info]disfigurator
date: Nov. 11th, 2009 - 09:27
Pilns sakāmais

Arī Holivuda mēdz saplīst un uztaisīt kādu gardāku eksperimentu.

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