Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

9. Jūlijs 2006

(bez virsraksta) @ 18:33



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Date: 9. Jūlijs 2006 - 18:58
Michael Palmer "Extreme Measures"
pats pilnīgi apstulbu
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Date: 9. Jūlijs 2006 - 19:07
no lasītāju atsauksmēm: "I found a bunch of these books in a garage sale ~~ and after reading the back of one book, I thought it was something that I would enjoy reading to pass away time. My husband used to work in the medical field and he's always talking about his experiences in the hospital ~~ so I thought Michael Palmer can be another new author for me to read. I didn't regret it."
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Date: 9. Jūlijs 2006 - 19:18
dīvaini, ka tā grāmata izrādījās vistuvāk pa rokai. ne es, ne dzīvesbiedre viņu šobrīd nelasa un arī īpaši netaisās.
bet bestsellers jau vispār

Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata