Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

19. Decembris 2005

(bez virsraksta) @ 00:04



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Date: 19. Decembris 2005 - 00:10
Jocīgi, atradu tikai šo:
Main Entry: trans·per·son·al
Pronunciation: (")tran(t)s-'p&rs-n&l, -'p&r-s&-n&l
Function: adjective
1 : extending or going beyond the personal or individual
2 : of, relating to, or being psychology concerned especially with esoteric mental experience (as mysticism and altered states of consciousness) beyond the usual limits of ego and personality
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Date: 19. Decembris 2005 - 00:14
dlfi: "Latvijas lesbietes, geji, biseksuāļi, transpersonas un viņu atbalstītāji ir sagatavojuši vēstuli Latvijas Valsts prezidentei Vairai Vīķei-Freibergai"
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Date: 19. Decembris 2005 - 00:15
ahā! jaunvārds!
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Date: 19. Decembris 2005 - 00:15
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Date: 19. Decembris 2005 - 07:48
To jau katrs prot izlasīt. Bet no kurienes tāds vārds rauts?!
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Date: 19. Decembris 2005 - 07:58
(Requires Java)
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Date: 19. Decembris 2005 - 00:33
Experiences in which consciousness transcends the boundaries of the personality (and probably space and time) [..] (Stanislav Grof, Ken Wilber)

The term is highly associated with the work of Abraham Maslow and his understanding of "peak experiences", and was first adapted by the human potential movement in the 1960's.

Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata