Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

16. Jūnijs 2012

(bez virsraksta) @ 17:32

HUFFINGTON POST. A woman in Seoul, Korea was eating semi-boiled squid when the cephalopod injected its sperm bag into her tongue, according to research published in February. The squid was partially cooked -- of course it was hot and bothered. The unidentified woman reportedly experienced a "pricking and foreign-body sensation" while she chewed and spat the squid out. She had to go to the hospital when she felt severe pain and several "small, squirming" creepy crawlies in her mouth.
Doctors found that the squid had left "twelve small, white spindle-shaped, bug-like organisms" in the mucous membranes of her tongue and cheek.
Indeed, the woman's mouth had been essentially inseminated.


Date: 16. Jūnijs 2012 - 18:09
Nebiju zinājis, ka kalmāra spermatofori var saglabāties pie ūdens vārīšanās temperatūras. Creepy as hell though.
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Date: 16. Jūnijs 2012 - 19:44
Date: 17. Jūnijs 2012 - 13:41

what about severe pain of the squid?

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