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1. Augusts 2008CommentsEs biju rakstījis par piezīmi par Platonu. Tieši grāmatā "Valsts" viņs par to runāja.
Plato (Republic, Book VI) argues that democracy is inferior to various forms of monarchy, aristocracy and even oligarchy on the grounds that democracy tends to undermine the expertise necessary to properly governed societies. In a democracy, he argues, those who are expert at winning elections and nothing else will eventually dominate democratic politics. Democracy tends to emphasize this expertise at the expense of the expertise that is necessary to properly governed societies. The reason for this is that most people do not have the kinds of talents that enable them to think well about the difficult issues that politics involves. But in order to win office or get a piece of legislation passed, politicians must appeal to these people's sense of what is right or not right. Hence, the state will be guided by very poorly worked out ideas that experts in manipulation and mass appeal use to help themselves win office. gribēju rakstīt - to piezīmi Apollo par Platonu. Varbūt ideālajā pasaulē viņš iztēlojās vēl kādu sistēmu, bet šeit viņš deva priekšroku gudro varai, jeb aristokrātijai.
nu jā, grūti būtu piedēvēt Platonam frāzi "bet nekas labāks vēl nav izdomāts", jo viņam jau šķita, ka tieši to viņš ir izdarījis
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