Edgars ([info]daysleeper) rakstīja,
@ 2004-09-16 09:36:00

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lieliska muuzika
izvelku visadus vecus audio diskus lai darbaa klausiitos, man darbaa nav audio kartes, tadelj sanaak atgriezties pie vecaam parbauditam vertiibaam. viena no taam ir Bob Marley dziemsa No woman no cry. tik vienkarshi, tik saprotami, tik patiesi. ;)

Good friends we have, oh, good friends we've lost
Along the way.
In this great future, you can't forget your past,
So dry your tears, I seh.

No, woman, no cry,
No, woman, no cry.
Here, little darlin', don't shed no tears:
No, woman, no cry.

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