bloodflower ([info]cure) rakstīja,
@ 2003-06-28 18:33:00

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Bloodflowers - You're distraught at the world
around you. Perhaps something has happened to
make you this way, but don't adopt bitterness.
It happens to us all. Cheer up.

Which Song By The Cure Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

smalki..uzzinu to es tikai tagad =)

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2003-06-30 19:17 (saite)
Bloodflowers - You're distraught at the world
around you. Perhaps something has happened to
make you this way, but don't adopt bitterness.
It happens to us all. Cheer up.

Which Song By The Cure Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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