| 302cc9b4780f8cbef6f70c3a8417913050b6aafb ( mindbound) rakstīja, |
Re: ļauj palabošu tevi
Ļoti labi, ka aug, man nav nekādu iebildumu pret to, ka aug, man ir iebildumi pret anti-nuclear retoriku. Speaking of nuclear, savu sakāmo šeit pabeigšu ar IEA/OECD NEA ziņojuma konspekta izvilkumu, nekā sava man šobrīd nav, ko piebilst.
> Nuclear thus remains the dispatchable low-carbon technology with the lowest expected costs in 2025. Only large hydro reservoirs can provide a similar contribution at comparable costs but remain highly dependent on the natural endowments of individual countries. Compared to fossil fuel-based generation, nuclear plants are expected to be more affordable than coal-fired plants. While gas-based combined-cycle gas turbines (CCGTs) are competitive in some regions, their LCOE very much depend on the prices for natural gas and carbon emissions in individual regions. Electricity produced from nuclear long-term operation (LTO) by lifetime extension is highly competitive and remains not only the least cost option for low-carbon generation - when compared to building new power plants - but for all power generation across the board.
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