antiprojekcija ([info]antiprojekcija) rakstīja,
"Cilvēki joprojām nesaprot (..) kas ir base load".

Smejos vēderu turēdams - Tu pats arī esi tas cilvēks, kas nesaprot, kas ir "base load", un iztēlojies to kā kaut kādu atšķirīgu, maģisku elektrību. Atšķirībā no jums kultistiem, par laimi biznesus vada cilvēki, kas prot skaitīt. Lūk, interesanti paskatīties vēsturi:

- 2017. gadā intervijā Tomago CEO vēl saka - "For large base load consumers, such as aluminium smelters, they need base load supply. And practically, that means thermal. It can either be coal or it can be gas."

- 2020. gadā jau vairs runa būtībā ir tikai par cenu - "At $70 we don't have a future," he said, noting Tomago is a "price taker" for its aluminium production, which is priced against the market rate in London." - tas, kas viņiem nepieciešams, lai būtu competitive, esot 40-49 AUD (ko AU nodrošina tikai ogles).

- Fast forward 2024.:

Tomago chief financial officer Andrew Newman told The Australian the company had received offers to supply up to 67GW of renewable energy, including 20GW of storage – more than 20 times its likely requirement.

(..)he said initial indications suggested green energy would provide cheaper power in the long term, as well as helping deliver significant cuts to Australia’s carbon emissions.

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