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In 2013 the analysts at the investment research firm Morningstar, Inc. concluded that nuclear power was not a viable source of new power in the West. On nuclear renaissance they wrote:

The economies of scale experienced in France during its initial build-out and the related strength of supply chain and labor pool were imagined by the dreamers who have coined the term ‘nuclear renaissance’ for the rest of the world. But outside of China and possibly South Korea this concept seems a fantasy, as should become clearer examining even theoretical projections for new nuclear build today.

Reāli ir iztērēti daudzi miljardi, un rietumos uzbūvētas tikai dažas AES - ~3x ilgākā laikā, un vismaz 3x dārgāk nekā sākumā solīts (vai 8x dārgāk kā Hinkley point C, vai vienkārši 9 miljardi podā bez rezultāta kā Dienvidkarolīnā). Francijas EDF ir "nacionalizēts" bet Westinghouse ir bankrotējis pilnīgi oficiāli. Kruta renesanse!

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