Egija ([info]circene) rakstīja,
@ 2021-12-10 13:25:00

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joku luga "Aksela Hirša apēšana"
Aksels Hiršs vēl joprojām ir aprobežotākais radījums Universā. Kirpičs kas kirpičs. Es viņu tagad apsmiešu visu viņa dzīvi, nezinu, varbūt ilgāk.
As above, so below, tu man, es tev, ņam ņam ņam

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2021-12-10 13:28 (saite)

S. was crucified on March 22, 2019. Her teeth we hanged in a wire piddle near the house of Jesus Christ. She is confused, as to how this could have happened. There is no sperm in her library.

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