chirkainais ([info]chirkainais) rakstīja,
@ 2008-06-11 13:50:00

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Pietiek skriet pilsētvidē, tīram un pa asfaltētiem celiņiem! Jākāpj pakāpienu augstāk!
Mazliet advancētāks treniņš:

This discipline is intended to build up your leg strength and improve your ability to carve a route through difficult terrain and foliage essential for woodland sections of the Tough Guy course

Step 1 : Get out and off the beaten track a find a hill.  It must be at least a 45° / 1 in 2  incline, preferably covered in thistles, brambles, nettles etc.
Step 2 : Run from the bottom of the hill to the top taking the most direct route regardless of terrain, thistles, brambles etc.
Step 3 : Once you reach the top turn straight around (no time to get your breath back) and taking big leaping strides, descend back to your start point
Step 4 : Repeat Steps 2 & 3 until you can take no more.  Increase you number of ascents each visit

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