dil se... (1998) - šāhruhs hans tēlo ļoti uzstājīgu, ļoti naivu un viegli losīgu stalkeri, kurš 2h 45min neliek mieru beibei, kura, ups, izrādās teroriste.
This was the first actual Bollywood film I've ever seen. I knew nothing about it going in, other than that it was considered a classic and featured "that Indian guy" (Khan) who shows up in every other film. Needless to say, after I became accustomed to the singing and dancing, I was able to dig in to the film a bit. It got slow at times but I was intensely interested in figuring out what the heck was going on. In the final moments of the film, my friend and I just sat frozen. I've never seen a movie that had singing, dancing, and ended with a bang. Needless to say, I'm hooked on Bollywood and determined to make everyone I know watch this film.
also, man ir jauns mīļākais deju gifs

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