kad pēc pāris dienām man beidzot būs вагон и маленькая тележка brīvā laika, es atļaušos ko patiešām laikietilpīgu un bezjēdzīgu. piemēram, noskatīšos heaven's gate, "sliktāko filmu pasaules vēsturē" [varētu pacensties un atrast to slaveno 5 stundas garo director's cut].
It is generally considered one of the biggest box office bombs of all time, and in some circles has been considered to be one of the worst films ever made. It opened to poor reviews and earned less than $3 million domestically (from an estimated budget of $44 million), eventually contributing to the near collapse of its studio, United Artists, and effectively destroying the reputation of Cimino, previously one of the ascendant directors of Hollywood.
/skan tik skaisti, ka esmu gatava pārvarēt savu vispārējo riebumu pret nodarbi "skatīties kaut kādu fikšenu"/
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