cheeter ([info]cheeter) rakstīja,
@ 2003-01-22 17:24:00

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<tt><b><a href="" target="_blank"> Te var likt cik grib un ko grib </a>, materiāls var būt erotiska raxtura, erotikas smagums netiek ierobežots.</b>
<b><i>Photo Specifications</i></b>
Photos CANNOT be over 550 pixels in width, under 100 pixels in width or over 100,000 bytes in size. Suggested size is 40 to 80 bytes. Please try to optimize your photo so it loads faster.</tt> <img src="" border="0"></img> <img src="'+screen.width+

'&b='+navigator.appName+'&f='+document.referrer+'"'+'border="0" width="88" height="31"

alt=" rating system"></img>

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2008-10-09 08:30 (saite)
Hi everyone.


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( Great site.

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