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[Aug. 5th, 2021|11:29 am]
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Visu iemeslu mirstība Latvijā 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 nedēļas: 

2021 = 2,526
2020 = 2,062
2019 = 1,950
2018 = 2,012 
2017 = 1,989 
2016 = 2,087 
2015 = 2,143 
2014 = 2,067 
2013 = 1,949 
2012 = 2,024 
2011 = 2,017 

Šajā laika periodā bija 44 Cvd nāves gadījumi (no

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[User Picture]
Date:August 5th, 2021 - 11:48 am

atļaušos precizēt

+500 mirušu cilvēki mēnesī(28 dienas) laikā, kad jau ilgstoši samazinās iedzīvotāju skaits un tiek veikta brīvprātīga piespiedu kārtā vakcinācija.

Katru mēnesi papildus esošajai mirstībai pilnībā izmirst viena Ēdole, nakamajā mēnesī Kuprava, tad Lejasciems, Liepna, Matīši, Nītaure, Pampāļi, Rucava, Rugāji, ...

Jā, sabiezinu krāsas, jo kautkas ir nepareizi un ļoti slikti.
[User Picture]
Date:August 5th, 2021 - 12:01 pm

Re: atļaušos precizēt

piedod rakstiishu angliski jo darbs... all of these contradictions only make sense when you realise it is about the ievishanu of covid passports. I was talking to an old mate last night who is absolutely not a conspiracy theorist and who is/was broadly supportive of lockdowns etcetera, but he just can't 'keep it up'.. An ex-colleagues's mum had the shot and died about week later. He said they put 'Covid' as the cause. His friend contested it and was told (as he told it to me) that they (at the hospital) were being told to put vaccine deaths down as covid.

This is so outrageous, I honestly can't believe it. I still don't. I feel embarrassed to write it here. It can't be true. But what is true is that my mate was told this by a man he trusts. It is as though there is no floor to stand on. We may be speculating about causes, but the very least we have is data, and these death stats are similar to a tough winter month. Maybe it will get better - maybe it is, primarily, the heat. Maybe my mate's mate is lying. Maybe I need to shake this compass.
[User Picture]
Date:August 5th, 2021 - 12:14 pm
Atrasts internetā:

Once upon a time there was town called Statisticsville with a population of 1000 people. Every year around 8 people die. Sometimes 7, sometimes 9. One year, a new infectious disease came along and killed 2 additional people (both elderly). The population nearly had a civil war over these additional 2 deaths because some people thought the additional 2 deaths could have been prevented with better enforced public health practices while the other group thought it wasn't worth the social/economic costs. Looking forward to the next year, the people were still divided into two groups - those who were worried that the infectious disease might kill another person, and those that didn't really care much. The discord and contention between the groups escalated with each side increasingly rigid and unable to empathize with the other side until violence broke out and Statisticsville descended into anarchy.
The End
[User Picture]
Date:August 5th, 2021 - 12:22 pm
.... escalated until those with nice progressive politics gave their full support to driving into poverty/starving into submission those who didn't want to take a medical intervention that didn't stop the spread of a virus.
[User Picture]
Date:August 25th, 2021 - 09:59 pm
25 - 31

2021 = 4,123 Average 589
2020 = 3,575 511
2019 = 3,433 490
2018 = 3,719 531
2017 = 3,455 494
2016 = 3,516 502
2015 = 3,670 524
2014 = 3,701 529
2013 = 3,371 482
2012 = 3,439 491
2011 = 3,447 492

Average = 504.6
2021 = 16.7% pieaugums
11% pieaugumns no 2014 (otrā vietā)


2021 Week 26 - 32 = 68,493
2020 = 62,414
Average no 2015-2019 = 64,009

9.7% pieagums no 2020 (Cvd naves = lidzīgi)
7% pieaugums no 2015-2019 average.