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Re: atļaušos precizēt Aug. 5th, 2021|12:01 pm

piedod rakstiishu angliski jo darbs... all of these contradictions only make sense when you realise it is about the ievishanu of covid passports. I was talking to an old mate last night who is absolutely not a conspiracy theorist and who is/was broadly supportive of lockdowns etcetera, but he just can't 'keep it up'.. An ex-colleagues's mum had the shot and died about week later. He said they put 'Covid' as the cause. His friend contested it and was told (as he told it to me) that they (at the hospital) were being told to put vaccine deaths down as covid.

This is so outrageous, I honestly can't believe it. I still don't. I feel embarrassed to write it here. It can't be true. But what is true is that my mate was told this by a man he trusts. It is as though there is no floor to stand on. We may be speculating about causes, but the very least we have is data, and these death stats are similar to a tough winter month. Maybe it will get better - maybe it is, primarily, the heat. Maybe my mate's mate is lying. Maybe I need to shake this compass.
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