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let the black sarcophagus guide our light
Whatcha on about, old fella? Tipa into the night, we go?
as a free people, mate, not offended christians
Once a Christian, [probably] always one - Christian atheist, Christian pagan, Christian free-person. What are you saying, anyhow? I can't follow your thought process - unless we follow, as free people, said black sarcophagus.
redzi, kopš mūsu pilsētas domes darbinieks reiz izdeva dokumentu ar sodomas un gomorras piesaukšanu, vai oldhemas pilsētas domei ir savi uzskati - iespējams, nevajag iekļauties viņu agendā, bet atrast kādu citu
Interesting thing with agendas - they have a tendency to follow you despite your efforts to ignore them.
![[User Picture]]( | From: | heda |
Date: | July 25th, 2018 - 10:38 pm |
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Bet, brooking, kā tas ir - redzēt to notiekam tavā dzimtenē? Es, protams, runāju par to ar zviedriem, bet tik un tā ir sajūta, ka saprotu notiekošo tikai intelektuāli, bet ne līdz kaulam, jo šī tomēr nav mana dzimtene. Bet tad es atcerējos vecvecāku stāstus, kā ciemā ierodas krievu partorgi un sāk sludināt jaunu, viņiem pretīgu un bīstmu ideoloģiju, un viņi iet mājās, klusē un kaunas.
Vispār gribu raudāt, jo man ir bērni un galu galā tā ir mana dzimtene. Bet laiks mainās: vakar skypoju ar vēcu labo draugu, un zini... es neesmu vienīgais no draugu loka, kam nepatik, kas notiek. Mēs sākam pakāpieniski apšaubīt musu iecietību.
scuse the bad Latvian , esmu 'noguris un emocianāls' (iedzēris ;)).
![[User Picture]]( | From: | heda |
Date: | July 25th, 2018 - 11:30 pm |
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vai varbūt daudziem nepatīk jau sen, bet tikai tagad beidzot mērs ir tik pilns, ka uzdrošinās par to runāt un vairs nebaidās kļūt par "silktu cilvēku", t.i., tādu, kas šādu bullšitu savā valstī netolerē
iespējams... Pastāstīšu par britiem šeit, kurus es pazistu caur futbola klubu mēs dibīnājam - tur muslimanu ir/bija daudz (tikai viens no UK tomēr) un mākam izturēties pret vi;niem ar cieņu - Bet skaidrs arī, ka mums (britiem) arī apnika, tas kas notiek mājās (bubinājām šad tad savā starpā). Bēt... you see, we respect individuals and it is incredibly hard for us to make any kind of group judgements - tikai kad es redzēju šo klipu - es saprotu, ka mums IR pizgec.
![[User Picture]]( | From: | heda |
Date: | July 25th, 2018 - 11:55 pm |
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Bet tu jau ilgi esi Latvijā. Varbūt tie, kuri dzīvo uz vietas UK tomēr jau agrāk pamanījuši, tikai skaļi neteikuši, ka pizģec tuvojas (arī daudzi zviedri tikai tagad sāk pamanīt un atzīt, ka neticami vēlu pamodušies).
iespējams iespējams... es nezinu, tomēr. Ir arī jāsaprot, ka mums, kuri dzīvo prom ir varbūt sentimentālākās sajutas par to dzimteni, kuru mēs atceramies.
![[User Picture]]( | From: | heda |
Date: | July 26th, 2018 - 12:07 am |
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"The sinner shall wake up late" according to swedish proverb.
Ir jau teikuši. Piemēram Tomijs Robinsons, kurš šobrīd ir uz gadu ar asti cietumā par savu pārlieko runīgumu. Pat, ja bija formāls iemesls viņu arestēt, sods un zibenīgais straujums ar kādu tas tika izpildīts, labi parāda UK kontrolētāju adžendu.
the most amazing thing in this video, perhaps, is how all those present "ethnic" post-christian brits who supposedly have almost never been in a church bow their heads in solemn reverence and humility, e.g. - how exactly they k n o w how to behave publicly during the recital of muslim prayer? obedience! submission! islam!
Yes - don't forget they need the votes. 37.6% of the population were what we now call 'Asian' (25% Muslim) - which is obviously much higher in 2018.
Politics is demographics.
and all of a sudden these supposedly deep-entrenched progressive secularists know how to publicly display religious sensibilities with almost pious faces. most impressive, if polit(r)icks can force one to perform this great feat.
I see the light. Pious submission - borrowing money to pay the tribute for votes. God knows what they will do when the Muslims form their own party... not long now.
You know - and this might be unrelated... I know a lot of lesbians (was a manager of a women's football team).
You know what some said - they switched cos the men were "nevariigi" vispār... are these progressive chicks missing out on old-school authority? Is that what they want?
I mean authority - male domination - submission.
![[User Picture]]( | From: | heda |
Date: | July 26th, 2018 - 12:36 am |
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viss rāda, ka viņām tā pietrukst, te arī bars batikas raganu ("batikhäxor") ņemas adoptējot attiecīgā kontingenta tēvocīšus un skatoties uz viņiem ļoti kārīgi
Tā lieta par ko Rudzītis runāja. Var uz viņu visādi skatīties, bet imo viņš savu psicholoģiju izvērš ne tikai no teorētiskiem materiāliem, bet samērā garas pieredzes un common sense. Mūsdienu progresīvie, protams, par to visi ir "Auuugh, wrong!", lai gan vis vairāk pakrīt zem Rudzmena definīcijām. Te pat cibā tādi/as novērojami. :)
![[User Picture]]( | From: | heda |
Date: | July 26th, 2018 - 12:28 am |
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Gan taču lielākajai daļai to galviņu noliecēju ir bērni. Vai tādu nākotni viņi tiešām var saviem bērniem, sevišķi meitām, novēlēt?
'disorder' is disobedience against Allah and his will- it includes breaking ties with Muslim kith and kin (apostasy). Sunan Abu Dawud (one of that hadith collections about the lives of Muhammed) confirms that the required punishment for fasad (mischief or disorder) is execution or crucifixion. According to some, in the eyes of certain Muslims all non-Muslims who reject Allah and Islam are “spreading corruption”(are thus enemies of Islam and cannot be innocent) and are legitimate targets to be killed. See Quran 5.33: 'Those that make war against God and His apostle and spread disorder in the land shall be slain and crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or be banished from the land'.
August 2017 (Month video was uploaded): Terrorist Murders: Islamic: 673 murders Communist: 16 murders Far right: 1 murder
btw the Imam should have said 'unless it is be for murder or spreading disorder/mischief in the land'
see Quaran 5.32 "... He who kills a soul unless it be (in legal punishment) for murder or for causing disorder and corruption on the earth will be as if he had killed all humankind..."
Shame he couldn't get it out quite right: changes the meaning somewhat. Probably an honest mistake ;)
![[User Picture]]( | From: | po |
Date: | July 26th, 2018 - 11:09 am |
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Jūtūba komentus vispār laikam haidžekojuši hitleri. Gandrīz visur ir tieši pārpilnība ar right-wing muldoņu. Kreisie tur zaudējuši jau sen. | |