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dzimtene: visions of Mordor in the Shire [Jul. 25th, 2018|12:45 pm]
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Date:July 26th, 2018 - 12:12 am
and all of a sudden these supposedly deep-entrenched progressive secularists know how to publicly display religious sensibilities with almost pious faces. most impressive, if polit(r)icks can force one to perform this great feat.
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Date:July 26th, 2018 - 12:16 am
I see the light.
Pious submission - borrowing money to pay the tribute for votes. God knows what they will do when the Muslims form their own party... not long now.

You know - and this might be unrelated... I know a lot of lesbians (was a manager of a women's football team).

You know what some said - they switched cos the men were "nevariigi" vispār... are these progressive chicks missing out on old-school authority? Is that what they want?
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Date:July 26th, 2018 - 12:17 am
I mean authority - male domination - submission.
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Date:July 26th, 2018 - 12:36 am
viss rāda, ka viņām tā pietrukst, te arī bars batikas raganu ("batikhäxor") ņemas adoptējot attiecīgā kontingenta tēvocīšus un skatoties uz viņiem ļoti kārīgi
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Date:July 26th, 2018 - 12:43 pm
Tā lieta par ko Rudzītis runāja. Var uz viņu visādi skatīties, bet imo viņš savu psicholoģiju izvērš ne tikai no teorētiskiem materiāliem, bet samērā garas pieredzes un common sense. Mūsdienu progresīvie, protams, par to visi ir "Auuugh, wrong!", lai gan vis vairāk pakrīt zem Rudzmena definīcijām. Te pat cibā tādi/as novērojami. :)