brokaats ([info]brokaats) rakstīja,
@ 2023-02-04 09:34:00

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Kāds kaut kad ieteica amerikāņu psiholoģi Nicole LePera. Atradu viņas twitter kontu, un šie ir daži neseni tvīti, kurus vajadzētu pārlasīt un pārdomāt bieži.

Many of us are addicted to our own suffering because it provides us with the familiar feelings of: helplessness, frustration, and abandonment we experienced as children.

As I work to heal from emotional immaturity I notice how often I took things personally that never were about me.

The invisible epidemic: a society of adults in arrested development. Children walking around in adult bodies looking for the love they never got from a parent.

Family dysfunction is an emotional and spiritual sickness that’s been normalized and repeated in culture and our systems for generations. This is why so many people live in denial— culture rewards it.

4 harsh truths that changed my life:
- not everyone wants to get better
- words are hallow, behavior is true communication
- chronic venting keeps us stuck in cycles
- blaming others serves the ego, and blocks us from creating the life we choose

Love goes wrong when we subconsciously look for a partner to give us all the things our parent couldn’t.

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