black_robin ([info]black_robin) rakstīja,
@ 2023-02-10 08:12:00

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Atzīmēšu, ka vakar notika divas labas lietas:

"Scotland’s prison service has abandoned Nicola Sturgeon’s self-identification policy for new prisoners, announcing that it would base decisions on where to send them entirely on their biological sex."

Kā arī US first major whistleblower speaks out

No raksta:

"The one colleague with whom I was able to share my concerns agreed with me that we should be tracking desistance and detransition. We thought the doctors would want to collect and understand this data in order to figure out what they had missed.

We were wrong. One doctor wondered aloud why he would spend time on someone who was no longer his patient."

Jā, šie cilvēki vairs neinteresē medicīnas personālam, kas darbojas nevis zinātnes un cilvēku labklājības, bet ideoloğijas vārdā, tāpēc arī viņu skaits ir "tik niecīgs".

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