black_robin ([info]black_robin) rakstīja,
@ 2024-10-01 20:47:00

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Viktorija Smita
"Everyone knows men are on average bigger and stronger than women. Those who demand we pretend otherwise, as though speaking the truth would expose female 'inferiority', clearly believe in female inferiority, but think feminism = humouring those lesser, inferior creatures.

I know some women think this, too. It is, after all, very hard to explain patriarchy if you're committed to never acknowledging the relevance of, say, reproductive difference, so it probably does make you worry that women are just inferior and therefore desperate to cover it up.

Where you end up, though, is a place where you have to assume women just aren't trying to run faster, defend themselves better, hit back as hard - because they're too girly and feminine, not because they simply can't (whereas they can, say, gestate new humans and live longer).

I don't think feminism is 'pretending women are equal (and blaming the ones who aren't sufficiently grateful for your pretence for the very existence of sexism)'. It's a recipe for keeping women down and in flight from their own bodies."

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