Nesen labdarības veikalā par grašiem nopirku vecu un apskrandušu Kalnu auku izdevumu. Šorīt to pašķirstīju un laukā izkrita grūti salasāma zīmīte.
Atšifrēšanas mēģinājums:
Boy or Girl: What
is it to be?
When the expectant
mother asks you
whether it is .....(?)
be a boy or girl, tel*
the mother to answer
the following questions
(1) When was the last
child born
(2) Was it a boy or a girl
(3) Did you nurse it
(4) When did you first
tel ..... (?)
(5) When did you
became pregnant
If an odd number of
menstrual periods
occurred between the
....(?) pregnancies the
sex will be the same
as the previous one -
If an .... (vajadzētu būt 'even', bet nav) number
of menstruations (laikam)
...... (?) the sex
will be the opposite
*man šķiet, ka tur ir 'tel' kā 'tell'
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