black_robin ([info]black_robin) rakstīja,
@ 2023-09-02 10:24:00

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"The most bizarre lie ever told by gender identity lobbyists is that puberty blockers are a "pause button". They aren't and can never be because children on puberty blockers continue to age chronologically. During this ongoing process of getting older, puberty blockers (if given for long enough) result in missing the *crucial window of opportunity* to go through puberty and adolescence, which are time-sensitive developmental stages. Children on PBs aren't literally "frozen in time"; their maturation and development are simply impaired while the rest of the body continues to age, amid extreme sex hormone imbalance, which is then made even worse by cross-sex hormones which are administered to almost all children on PBs in the name of "gender affirming care", according to studies. Nobody can go through puberty in their 20s or 30s, let alone go through opposite sex puberty at any time whatsoever. These ideas exist only in the minds of believers in gender identity ideology, they aren't real in any physical or material sense. Every qualified medical professional should be able to see through these lies, using just their basic training, let alone an army of surgeons, endocrinologists and psychiatrists who engineered these false assertions and have been profiting from them for decades."

(Isidora Sanger)

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