iedarbīgas zāles ([info]bez4pieci) rakstīja,
@ 2004-04-26 16:45:00

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Mūzika:Stephen Kent - Landing

of water an spirit
i had a date in the bush
with all the gods,
so i went.

i had a date in the bush
with all the trees,
so i went.
i had a date in the mountain
with the kontomblé.
i went because i had to go.

i had to go away to learn
how to know.
i had to go away to learn
how to know.
i had to go away to learn
how to stay here.

so i went an knocked the doors
locked in front of me.
i craved to enter.
oh, little did i know
the doors did not lead outside.

it was all in me.
i was the room and the door.
it was all in me.
i just had to remember.

and i learned that i lived
always and everywhere.
i learned that i knew everything,
only i had forgotten.
i learned that i grew
only i had overlooked things.
now i am back, remembering.

i want to be what i know i am
and take the road we always
forget to take.

because i heard the smell
of the things forgotten
and my belly was touched.

that's why i had a date with the bush.
that's why i had a date with the hill.
that's why i had a date with the world
now, father, i'll take you home.
i am back.

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