Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - Well put

About Well put

Previous Entry Well put19. Apr 2015 @ 11:30 Next Entry
My mother once told me that trauma is like Lord of the Rings. You go through this crazy, life-altering thing that almost kills you (like say having to drop the one ring into Mount Doom), and that thing by definition cannot possibly be understood by someone who hasn’t gone through it. They can sympathize sure, but they’ll never really know, and more than likely they’ll expect you to move on from the thing fairly quickly. And they can’t be blamed, people are just like that, but that’s not how it works.

Some lucky people are like Sam. They can go straight home, get married, have a whole bunch of curly headed Hobbit babies and pick up their gardening right where they left off, content to forget the whole thing and live out their days in peace. Lots of people however, are like Frodo, and they don’t come home the same person they were when they left, and everything is more horrible and more hard then it ever was before. The old wounds sting and the ghost of the weight of the one ring still weighs heavy on their minds, and they don’t fit in at home anymore, so they get on boats go sailing away to the Undying West to look for the sort of peace that can only come from within. Frodos can’t cope, and most of us are Frodos when we start out.

But if we move past the urge to hide or lash out, my mother always told me, we can become Pippin and Merry. They never ignored what had happened to them, but they were malleable and receptive to change. They became civic leaders and great storytellers; they we able to turn all that fear and anger and grief into narratives that others could delight in and learn from, and they used the skills they had learned in battle to protect their homeland. They were fortified by what had happened to them, they wore it like armor and used it to their advantage.

// http://modernhepburn.tumblr.com/post/89564058496/my-mother-once-told-me-that-trauma-is-like-lord-of
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Date: 19. Aprīlis 2015 - 12:47
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Date: 19. Aprīlis 2015 - 15:26
Diemžēl, Pipins un Merijs nekad nebija gredzena sargātāji, tāpēc nebūtu pareizi viņus salīdzināt ar Frodo vai ar Semu.
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Date: 19. Aprīlis 2015 - 20:36
Nujā, bet tā jau var teikt, ka vispār jebkura situācija ir unikāla, īpaši in real life. Tai pat laikā grāmatā Merijs ar Pipinu pusi ceļa bija kopā ar F&S, un viņiem tāpat bija visādas šaumas: nazgula galēšana, Denetors, kas grib dzīvs sadedzināt sevi un dēli, un tā tālāk.
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Date: 20. Aprīlis 2015 - 08:24
Man vispār tajā pēdējā sērijā likās, ka galvenais varonis, kas iznes visas tās grūtības, ir Sems. Un ja nebūtu Sema, tad tur vispār nekas beigās nebūtu sanācis. Es ar balto skaudību apskaužu tādus cilvēkus, kuriem ir tāda laba nervu sistēma kā viņam. Man ir arī dzīvē vairāki tādi cilvēki pazīstami - un tā ir bauda - būt līdzās viņiem viņu miera un izturīguma dēļ.
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