The next horror flick. |
The next horror flick. | 16. Maijs 2012 @ 12:30  |
Jau varu iedomāties Holīvūdas sižeta galveno līniju. Detektējam bērnus ar psihopātu iezīmēm, izolējam viņus un mēģinam ārstēt, paiet 15 gadi un viņi izlaužās. Silent Hill meets Texas Chainsaw. Būtu smieklīgi, ja nebūtu nopietni.
The idea that a young child could have psychopathic tendencies remains controversial among psychologists. Laurence Steinberg, a psychologist at Temple University, has argued that psychopathy, like other personality disorders, is almost impossible to diagnose accurately in children, or even in teenagers — both because their brains are still developing and because normal behavior at these ages can be misinterpreted as psychopathic. Others fear that even if such a diagnosis can be made accurately, the social cost of branding a young child a psychopath is simply too high. (The disorder has historically been considered untreatable.) [...] Mark Dadds, a psychologist at the University of New South Wales who studies antisocial behavior in children, acknowledges that “no one is comfortable labeling a 5-year-old a psychopath.” But, he says, ignoring these traits may be worse. “The research showing that this temperament exists and can be identified in young children is quite strong.” Recent studies have revealed what appear to be significant anatomical differences in the brains of adolescent children who scored high on the youth version of the Psychopathy Checklist — an indication that the trait may be innate. Another study, which tracked the psychological development of 3,000 children over a period of 25 years, found that signs of psychopathy could be detected in children as young as 3. //
nū traķenes pamucis sikopāts ir aizraujoša, bet ne pirmā svaiguma sižeta līnija.
Viens jā. Es te domāju vairāk, ka visi vienlaicīgi izlaužās.
es nesen meklēju un lasīju līdzīgus rakstus. par to pētījumu, kur cilvēkus testēja vispirms 3 gadu vecumā un tad vēlāk. meklēju tāpēc, ka biju apskaitusies par kādu mm brālēnu, kas gadiem ilgi sit mazmurkšķi un kuram neesmu novērojusi nekādu līdzjūtību vai nožēlu. kas tevi pamudināja uz šādiem pētījumiem?
We took the O'Hare (Are you a Psychopath?) test here at work - my American colleague scored quite highly. We started wondering if the superficiality of chunks of US culture lend itself to instilling psychopathic traits - at least we did until he left the room.
Hah. Is that test available online? Anyway, it is not all so gloomy tho: I am a psychopath, as I have been recently diagnosed. We are not all violent and mean. Some of us, me for example, are simply empty. We feel little and are as shallow as a baking pan. I am not out to hurt you or anyone else for that matter but, Gregg, do not get your hopes up about guiding us to the social norm. Actually understanding the social norm is the problem. Our brains are wired so differently that society and its patterns make no sense. I, personally, have to ask "why" to everything. If no one can provide a clear why, I create one and it's usually a very askew perspective. Therein lies the problem. Things have to fit our schema before we can apply them. Violence is often associated with psychopaths and sociopaths because it makes for great drama but a psychopath can have a very successful life without harming anyone; They just don't connect to others as normal people do.
Here it is - obviously the higher you score, the more likely you are to have psychopathic tendencies - I think, if you get 30 or more, you are 'officially diagnosed'. can recommend the book "Do you work for a psychopath?' - an analysis of the glib, calculating, manipulative charm of the corporate individual.
I wonder if psychopathic people attract similar people into their environment; it seems to me it is rather hard to work with one in any capacity for a longer time without realizing what he is. Which in my case would be grounds for quitting ASAP.
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