I want to return to the place of the origin ([info]beafheart) rakstīja,
@ 2009-03-19 15:05:00

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ak pavasarrrr, ak pavasarr
tu visiem sirrrrdis dullas darrr
hol rrī kvā, rrāā hol rrallalā...

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2009-03-19 17:14 (saite)
es teiktu foll'rī foll'rā :) jā jā!

(Atbildēt uz šo)

2009-03-19 20:29 (saite)
It was a lover and his lass
With a hey and a ho, and a hey-nonino!
That o’er the green corn-field did pass
In the spring time, the only pretty ring time,
When birds do sing hey ding a ding:
Sweet lovers love the Spring.
Between the acres of the rye
These pretty country folks would lie:
This carol they began that hour,
How that life was but a flower:
And therefore take the present time
With a hey and a ho, and a hey-nonino!
For love is crownéd with the prime
In the spring time, the only pretty ring time,
When birds do sing hey ding a ding:
Sweet lovers love the Spring.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2009-03-19 20:50 (saite)
indeed my friend, indeed

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