Witch. snake. running ([info]bagdarama) rakstīja,
@ 2007-06-04 15:06:00

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"I read somewhere that everybody on this planet is separated by only six other people. Six degrees of separation between us and everyone else on this planet. The President of the United States, a gondolier in Venice, just fill in the names. I find that extremely comforting, that we're so close, but I also find it like Chinese water torture that we're so close because you have to find the right six people to make the connection. It's not just big names -- it's anyone. A native in a rain forest, a Tierra del Fuegan, an Eskimo. I am bound -- you are bound -- to everyone on this planet by a trail of six people. It's a profound thought -- how Paul found us, how to find the man whose son he claims to be, or perhaps is, although I doubt it. How everyone is a new door, opening into other worlds."
- character Ouisa Kittredge
(no Six Degrees of Separation)

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2007-06-04 21:00 (saite)
Shis man atgaadina to speeli ar seedeeshanu uz kreesliem un mainiishanos vietaam. Tu vari seedeet savaa vietaa un likt mainiities citiem. Bet, ja ir 'happening', tad tev jaamaina sava vieta un jaaseezjaas blakus kaadam citam...
Paldies. :)

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