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@ 2012-12-03 11:39:00

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"The followers of [Ayn] Rand, for example, treat “A is A” not just as “everything is identical to itself” but as a kind of statement about essences and the limits of things. “A is A, and it can’t be anything else, and once it’s A today, it can’t change its spots tomorrow.” Now, that doesn’t follow. I mean, from the law of identity, nothing follows about limitations on change. [.. It is] completely unjustified so far as I can see; it’s illegitimate. [.. Are Randians] bold entrepreneurs? Yes. But bold exploration of ideas? No."

"I think that quantum mechanics and relativity theory might show us a surprising relativism about truth, that it is relative to time and place, and they do this on the basis of empirical results. That is an interesting and surprising possible connection between philosophy and science."

Robert Nozick

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