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Re: Kurš ir izcilākais Kembridžas filozofs?
Šī doma man ir tuva:
If you asked me what is the one thing I want my students to remember when they leave Cambridge, I’d say this: to think for themselves. I am surprised at how many people still think we should “respect” beliefs that are “deeply” or widely held, regardless of how bigoted or superstitious they are (I am thinking particularly but not exclusively of religious beliefs). I think that is all wrong. I think we should only respect beliefs that have some basis in reason and experience. We should suspect those that rest solely on tradition and authority. (..) I think the teaching of philosophy at universities, when done properly, can do much to promote this attitude. (Why Believe the Axioms?, p. 3)

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( )Anonīms- ehh.. šitajam cibiņam netīk anonīmie, nesanāks.
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