None of the Above ([info]artis) rakstīja,

Vakcīna ir vērtīgāka par gadžetu. Nedomāju, ka tāda kampaņa būtu ļoti lietderīga. Labāk resursus (intelektuālos, un citus) veltīt ekonomiskai izaugsmei, sociālām programām utml. Ir novērojama kolerācija starp quality of life, well–being indeksu un sekulāru predispozīciju. Protams, ir izņēmumi, kurus diktē dažādi vēsturiski nosacījumi, taču kopumā nepieciešams leisure time, lai domātu un izglītotos (cf. Maslovs, arī IQ and the Wealth of Nations) etc. Tātad, jāstrādā pie pārticības radīšanas. Ir naivi uzskatīt, ka tikai atspēkojot teismu tiks panāktas izmaiņas. Teisms ir atspēkots; tas nelīdz. Klasiska Apgaismotāju kļūda! Lasīsim Marksu, atsaucos uz senāku ierakstu:

Religion is a product of material conditions. Religious ideas are not purely intellectual phenomena located only in a 'space of reasons'. They are social products. They are objectively rooted, they develop and change only with social and economic conditions. The religious outlook can be overcome, therefore, only when the material and social causes which give rise to it are superseded. Beliefs persist even in the face of prolonged philosophical criticism and secular influence. Beliefs are also ideological creations, rooted in and reflecting specific social conditions. With economic and social development, human consciousness develops and changes. Marx, in contrast to Hegel, sees these social changes primarily in material and economic terms, and he believes that their ultimate result will be the disappearance of religion altogether. "The religious reflex of the real world can … only … finally vanish, when the practical relations of every–day life offer to man none but perfectly intelligible and reasonable relations with regard to his fellowmen and to Nature". It should be noted that, according to the materialist view, the genral point here applies to all beliefs not just to religious ones, in that all beliefs are material and social phenomena.

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