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@ 2021-05-29 14:30:00

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Carson Robison - I'm No Communist

We’re living in a country that’s the finest place on earth
But some folks don’t appreciate this land that gave them birth
I hear that up in Washington they’re having an awful fuss
‘Cause Communists and spies were making monkeys out of us

The bureaus and departments have been busy night and day
They’re figuring out just how we gave our secrets all away
And Congress has appointed a committee, so they said
To find out who’s American and who’s a low-down Red.

They call them up to Washington to speak for Uncle Sam
But when they ask them what they are, they shut up like a clam
I wish they’d take and put me on the witness stand today
I’d yell so loud old Stalin could hear me all the way

I’m no Communist, and I’ll tell you that right now
I believe a man should own his own house and car and cow
I like this private ownership, and I want to be left alone
Let the government run its business and let me run my own

Our government is bigger than it ever was today
The more they hire to work for it, the more they have to pay
Our public servants should be proud and honest you would think
Instead of taking bribes and dressing up their wives in mink

The taxes keep on going up, of that there is no doubt
But still, they just can’t take it in as fast as they dish it out
Our national debt is a monster size and growin’ every day
Our children’s children, still unborn are gonna have to pay

Our dollar used to be the soundest money on this earth
But now two bucks won’t even buy a good old dollar’s worth
Unless we stop inflation and take care of what we’ve got
The Communists may win the fight and never fire a shot

I’m no Communist, and I’ll tell you that right now
I believe a man should own his own house and car and cow
I like this private ownership, and I want to be left alone
Let the government run its business and let me run my own

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