"A final political agreement on the Baltic power grids’ synchronization with continental Europe via Poland is expected to be reached by the three Baltic States, Poland, and the European Commission before June of this year. Such an agreement would allow these states to receive part of the necessary funding to complete synchronization from the current multiannual EU budget. It remains unclear whether Latvia will insist on keeping open the Latvian-Russian transmission grid, which requires new investment for upgrades. Another question is whether the EU would agree to allocate additional funds to Latvia for upgrading the Russian-Latvian grid so that it can import electricity produced from the unsafe Belarus and Russian nuclear plants.
The newly constructed power plants in Kaliningrad, a region which is energy self-sufficient and actually sells power to Lithuania, could become political tools for Russia to pressure the European Commission if the Baltics disconnect from BRELL and synchronize with continental Europe – either to compensate Russia for constructing the Kaliningrad plants or to force Europe to buy “cheap” Russian electricity."