Latvijas Nokia: meldonium
“This drug takes a little bit of oxygen and makes a lot of energy, compared to when you didn’t have the drug—for that same amount of oxygen, you’d have less energy,” he says. “More energy is all you need to have better performance.”
Increased oxygen and energy help not only your heart and other muscles but also your brain, Jalloh says. Meldonium has also shown promise in alleviating depression, improving learning and memory, and treating neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.
The drug was developed in Latvia and is currently made by the drug company Grindeks. It's used primarily in Baltic countries like Latvia, as well as Ukraine, and Poland. (Almost all the clinical evidence on the drug is published in Polish and Russian clinical journals.) But in the 1980s, the AP reports, it was widely used among Russian troops to enhance their stamina while fighting in Afghanistan.
The compound – a very simple structure – appears to work as an inhibitor in the carnitine biosynthesis pathway, and may have several other activities. Landing in that pathway might well be enough all by itself; metabolically, there’s a lot going on at that intersection.
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