It's time, Estonia! Get yourself a bomb!
"The uranium extraction process at the Sillamäe plant was developed in collaboration with a nearby Narva pilot plant (known as Cloth Dyeing Factory) and produced mainly a 40% uranium concentrate at the onset of plant production. In 1982, the plant began the production of
reactor-grade enriched uranium (2–4.4% 235U) in form of UO2. Uranium production at Sillamäe continued to
supply nuclear materials for the Soviet nuclear power plants and
weapon facilities until 1989."
"Between 1946 and 1952, uranium compounds were extracted from locally mined graptolitic argillite at the Sillamäe Processing Plant (now: Silmet). More than 60 tonnes of uranium compounds (corresponding to 22.5 tonnes of elemental uranium) were produced. Some sources note that
uranium produced in Sillamäe was used for construction of the first Soviet atomic bomb" regards,
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