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@ 2016-08-23 12:20:00

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"As for Japan, I actually happen to live there and I notice a great many things here that have frightening parallels to the Universe 25 experiment. For one, there has been a dramatic increase in recent years in the number of what are referred to here as NEETs, which stands for Not Employed, Educated, or Trained. They are basically grown people who have no job nor desire to get one and live with their parents well into middle age basically getting a free ride and spend their days in frivolous pursuits, often not really leaving their homes at all. They are also called “parasite singles,” which I think is a very apt designation as they are basically a leech attached to their parents’ home.

In addition to these, there is another growing trend among especially young Japanese called “freeters,” which means an aimless individual who drifts from part-time job to part-time job without any real goals or desire to have a real career. Many of them don’t go to a university or even drop out of high school.
Yet another growing segment of the male population seems to be what can only really be described as “metrosexuals,” or asexual men who have no interest in dating, marriage, or sexual relations of any kind, and spend most of their time dressing up in the latest fashions and getting their hair done."

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